Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CFC Destruction Carbon Credit Update

Carbon Credits offer incentives to recover and destroy ODS

The Climate Action Reserve (CAR) is in the process of releasing a Destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Project Protocol and an Imported Ozone Depleting Substances Project Protocol. These protocols will provide a standardized approach for quantifying and monitoring the GHG reductions from projects that destroy domestic or imported ODS with high global warming potentials that would have otherwise been vented to the atmosphere. RemTec has been participating in this project by serving on the Workgroup that is providing input to the CAR. The draft protocols could be released next week for public comments.

The Reserve will host a public workshop to provide a venue for public feedback on the draft Ozone Depleting Substances Project Protocols in Washington, D.C., on December 7, 2009. For more details on the workshop, go to

After the workshop, RemTec will be in a better position to provide more details. RemTec offers destruction services for ODS destruction using the patented Argon Plasma Arc technology and will be following all procedures to qualify ODS destruction for CAR protocols. Depending on market conditions, these offset credits could cover all the costs of destruction and provide additional incentives to convert to CFC alternatives.

For more information visit the RemTec website at

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