Wednesday, September 15, 2010

RemTec International Announces the Expansion of their Halon and Refrigerant Reclamation Services to the Middle East Region

BOWLING GREEN, OH, USA – (Business Wire) - In conjunction with Pan Gulf Industrial Systems, RemTec International has announced it will commence Halon reclamation and banking operations in the Middle East as of November 2010. This halocarbon reclamation facility will be the first of its kind in the region. Located on the second Dammam industrial city, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it will also provide services throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe.

The newly constructed 30,000 square foot facility is part of a three-phase program to contain and manage Class I and II Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and other halocarbons. The initial phase will provide Halon reclamation and banking capabilities on a regional basis to petrochemical companies and other end users. The second phase will expand these services to include reclamation and banking of all ODS including Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) refrigerants, and in addition Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that are high in Global Warming Potential (GWP). The third phase will install advanced systems that safely destroy all of these substances and other environmentally-hazardous wastes using patented Plasma Arc Destruction Technology.

The facility will be equipped with a full laboratory that will be capable of testing to a number of standards including ASTM-D5632-08, ISO 7201-2:1991 or Military Specification B-8741 (USAF). Refrigerant testing to the AHRI Standard 700-2006 will also be developed as later project phases are added. Ultimately, the laboratory will provide convenient and accurate testing of Halons and refrigerants throughout the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe

Finally, as ODS are phased out, it will be important that these materials are handled properly, particularly at the end of their useful lives. This is a concern to many countries in the region as well as to the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank. For this reason, this project was selected to be part of a case study by the World Bank, to examine methods to manage and destroy ODS as they are phased out. Using Plascon Plasma Arc Destruction Technology, ODS will be destroyed with an extremely high Destruction Removal Efficiency (DRE) of 99.9999%. Mr. Marcus concluded his remarks by stating, “A high DRE is achieved with de minimis emissions to the atmosphere and a safe, salt water solution as the only effluent. In conjunction with our alliance partner, DoloMatrix in Australia, RemTec is able to provide these environmental solutions in a safe and environmentally-friendly manner, in areas of the world that normally lack this advanced technology. In addition, Plascon also has the potential to destroy chlorophenols, chlorinated phenoxywaste, concentrated PCB, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and chlorinated solvents, which are present in the Middle East and surrounding regions.”


Established in 1986, RemTec International is a world leader in the recovery, reclamation and destruction of Halons and Refrigerants. RemTec’s Halocarbon Management Program uses patented technologies which avoid emissions that either destroy the ozone layer or add to global warming potential. RemTec's unique approach facilitates safe disposal of unwanted Halons, CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs on a worldwide basis. These hazardous substances are recovered, reclaimed and in some cases destroyed, in accordance with all domestic and international regulatory standards. For more information, please visit or e-mail